About Erkasoft

Hello, I’m Ertan Kayalar.

I founded Erkasoft in 1998 for web development business.

I believed that web industry was going to make big impact. I was right. A quarter of a century later, the web is still evolving and change people’s life.

If you ask why I found Erkasoft, making people’s life easier and doing usefull works makes us happy. I believe that working hard and doing good works adds meaning to our lives.

If you ask me to describe quality in software business, I will probably fail to do so. Often it can be extremely diffucult to demostrate quality. The complexity of technology makes it diffucult to explain a lot of things clearly. We are try to do a job where good and bad are mixed. Bu this does not discourage us. We always strive to the best.

It is not enough to work hard to do good work and get good results. You need to have up-to-date and accurate information.I can not summarize our 25 years of business life with just hard working. For success and continuity, it is necessary to learn continuously and to use new and old knowledge together effectively.

Today, the web continues to change the world not only with software development technologies but also with innovations in many fields. We come into contact with web technologies in almost every aspect of our lives.

We are here to establish the right strategy for success of our customers in every project and to guide them.

Ertan Kayalar

Ertan Kayalar

Full Stack Web Developer